I'm new to Unity and I'm trying to figure out what the best way to do character customization is. I have a male character and I want to be able to pick different outfits by swapping out his skinned mesh. For example, I can pick different shoes, shirts, pants, etc. I've seen examples where people skinned all the different outfits to their skeleton and then show/hide the outfits they don't want. The problem is that's not the most optimize approach. Unity would have to load up all the mesh and texture of the unused Geometry.
What's the best way to create the character and swap meshes/outfits assets? Should I have separate files with all the different swappable outfits?
so for example:
1. Base character skinned to skeleton
2. Shirt 1 skinned to skeleton
3. Shirt 2 skinned to skeleton
4. Pant 1 skinned to skeleton
5. etc.
Is that the best approach?